Easter 2009

Easter 2009
Happy boy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I never did like roller coasters

Even as I kid I hated rollercoasters. That's what this adoption is like. One moment you are flying high and the next minute you are zooming down. We are so excited to bring Dmytro home. At the same time it is very hard to leave the rest of our family behind. We head to Kiev on Saturday via Denver then Munich. Dave thinks we should pick up an authentic dachshund in Germany. I think not. It has been since Nov.4, 2007 since we have seen Dmytro. We hope he is well and happy to see us. We are thankful for the support of our family and friends on this journey. We couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks to Brooke and Brady for keeping Anna. Thanks to Winkelkotters for taking Zane. Big thanks to Krista for coming from North Carolina with a 2 year old and newborn to stay with the rest. Take care of each other while we are gone. Thanks to Save A Child for introducing us to our son.


David Luke said...

Our family is excited about bringing Dima home. We appreciate all your good wishes, kindness, and support!

ME.Ccrew said...

I wish you all the best! You will be in our prayers!! I look forward to seeing and hearing all about your experience in bringing your boy home!! take good care, Michele

Jen said...

Wow! You did it! One email said "Yah, game on" the next would say "not gonna happen" You're right. Rollercoaster! So excited to hear about the news of Dmytro joining your wonderful family!
Much love and prayers for a safe and joyous trip.

Unknown said...

Wow!! YOu guys are an awesome family. Good luck on your trip....have a great time. Can't wait to meet him on my next visit to Utah...Yes I promise to visit you guys (I have a navagation system now, so I can go by myself). I love you guys...
